Our business is based on the established Quality Management System according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Quality policy and objectives are established and consistent with the context and strategic direction of Computech.
Computech’s quality policy is:
– achieving the highest possible level of quality management within the company in sales, design, installation, IT support, assistance, maintenance of information systems
– recognition, understanding and continuous fulfillment of user requirements and applicable requirements of laws and regulations
– continuous improvement of the quality management system by taking steps related to risks and opportunities that affect the conformity of the service and our ability to meet user requirements and applicable requirements of laws and regulations
At Computech, we encourage process, risk-based approach. We try to minimize business risks wherever possible, and we monitor, prioritize and control unresolved issues in order to reduce the negative effects on our business as well as on all interested parties. We encourage a proactive approach, open discussion and problem solving and management.
We always strive to fully satisfy contractual obligations and exceed the expectations of our users and interested parties. We regularly monitor the realization of quality goals.
All employees are fully committed to achieving the highest standards and to the constant improvement of all our processes, products and services.
The management of the company is responsible for the effectiveness of the quality system and ensures that all employees understand and apply our quality policy, which we periodically improve.
This quality policy is also available to interested parties upon request.
Ante Barić, director
in Zagreb, 17.1.2023.